Saturday, May 16, 2020

Socio Cultural Presentation - 1275 Words

Presentation on Social and Cultural Environment Presented by: Shera Gopaulsingh School of Business and Computer Sciences Date: March 21st, 2015 Social Environment ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ Social environment of business means all the factors which affects business socially. Every business works in a society, so societies’ different factors like family, educational institutions and religion affects business. It includes the culture that the individual was educated or lives in, and the people with whom they interact. The cultural factors like buying and consumption habit of the people, customs and traditions , tastes and preferences, languages etc are the factors that affect the strategy of the business. The Nation as a definition of Society ï‚ §Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Ã¯  ½ International companies often include an examination of the socio-cultural environment prior to entering their target markets. ï  ½ Factors which affect social and cultural environment. ï  ± Attitude of people ï  ± Demographic factors ï  ± Religion ï  ± Social Responsibility ï  ± Taste and Preference ï  ± Education ï  ± Family ï  ± Natural Factors ï  ± Technological Factors ï  ± Income and Lifestyle ï  ± Health and Safety Factors Main Elements of Societies and its effect on Business†¦. Family-: ïÆ'Ëœ Family is a basic part of society from the birth of a person and up to death. ïÆ'Ëœ He lives in family so personal decisions of buying and selling of goods affects the family ïÆ'Ëœ In the culture of a family, it may happen that parents does not allow the use of a particular product, then the sale of such product will decrease. ïÆ'Ëœ So businessmen, must analyze different families needs. ïÆ'Ëœ Many occasion of family, like marriage of any family member can increase the demand of goods. Educational Institutions-: ïÆ'Ëœ Educational institutions are also a main part of societies. ïÆ'Ëœ They provide good knowledge, education, awareness, thinking, what should students buy or not to buy. ïÆ'Ëœ Suppose if a student is habitual to drinking coffee and his teacher advice him that this is harmful to his health after his guidance students can avoid drinking coffee after this, the sale of coffee willShow MoreRelatedGuidelines: Choreography and Participants1528 Words   |  7 PagesSCG-CJC SOICO CULTURAL COMMITTEE Socio-Cultural Guidelines for Intramurals 2012 Pageant Night Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2012 * Each division must only have 1 pair for entry, male and female. * Candidates should be at least 16-25 years old. * Candidates must be at least 5’3 inches for female and 5’5 for male. * Must not have any reigning local (city, municipal), national, international and institutional titles. * The candidates must participate in the talent portion, with a minimum ofRead MoreKey Features of AL and CLT Approach1363 Words   |  5 Pagespositive habit of language response -Start to focus on fluency (meaning) -Start to focus on oral competence - Focus on learners’ communicative competences development ( including linguistic competence , actional competence, discourse competence, socio-cultural competence and strategic competence) - Focus on both accuracy(form) and fluency (meaning) (Fluency is more important than accuracy) Syllabus-content and its organization -Linguistic functions = teaching units; -Sequence = ascending difficulty/complexity; Read MoreCultural Impacts Of Tourism Development936 Words   |  4 PagesSOCILA AND CULTURAL IMPACTS OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT The discourse concerning the impacts of tourism in national development, economic and otherwise, has had both negative and positive connotations. 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