Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Future of Healthcare Delivery in The United States Essay - 1

The Future of Healthcare Delivery in The United States - Essay Example For now healthcare expenses in the United States are too high, they are higher than in any other developed state. â€Å"NO ONE will be astonished to hear that health care costs more in Indiana than in India. However, a few might be surprised to learn that Americans spend more than twice as much per person on health care as Swedes do† (Heading for the emergency room). Thus, universal healthcare system can be considered as the way to regulate and control the healthcare costs. Due to the reason that medicine in the United States is too expensive, people have to change insurance plans frequently and finally turn to Medicare. Moreover, the United States is the state, where insurance companies are for profit units and they do their best to get profit. Consequently, the percent of claims they deny is high. Difficult structure of medical care system in the United States also contributes to its high cost. Notwithstanding that Obama’s Affordable Care Act is highly criticized, it represents the step towards the establishment of Universal healthcare. It provided us with the necessary regulation of healthcare system insurance. First, more people are able to have the plan of their parents as the insurance plan. Insurance companies can’t deny children’s applications any more as well as they can’t refuse to cover costs in case if there are some discrepancies found in the application (Starr, 1982). Some service provided by Medicare now became free of charge. Thus, Affordable Care Act is very helpful for Americans, it‘s only drawback was too fast implementation that led to problems, which made many experts dissatisfied with it. Really, such measures need more time to be implemented and the mistake made by the President was his desire to implement all the changes at once. â€Å"The Affordable Care Act is a monumental accomplishment. Thanks to its expansion of health care coverage and new regulations, tens of millions of Americans will feel more secure,

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Bipolar Disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Bipolar Disorder - Essay Example Genetic factors are considered to be the leading contributor to the disease, accounting for up to 80% of the risk of having the illness. The heritability index was calculated to be around 0.7 (Edvardsen 2008). Despite having been restricted to a relatively low number of samples, twin studies have revealed a considerable genetic component, together with a clear environmental impact. Extensive studies over the last years have consistently estimated the concordance rate for bipolar I disorder to be around 5% in fraternal twins, in comparison to over 40% in  identical  twins (Barnett & Smoller 2009). Studies have also identified certain physiological processes underlying the bipolar disorder. For instance, by means of magnetic resonance imaging researchers have noted the differences in the volume and density of various brain zones between the healthy individuals and patients with BD. Specifically, the analysis of structural MRI findings provided evidence of the increased volume of the pale body and lateral ventricles (Arnone et al 2009). Simultaneously, functional MRI scans indicated the impaired coordination between the limbic corpus amygdaloideum and prefrontal region (Srakowski et al 2012). According to another theory, when genetically predisposed people are exposed to stress, their stress threshold at which behavioral changes happen lowers. After a number of such exposures, the episodes may start spontaneously. In support of the theory, Alloy and Bender (2011) report of the correlation between stressful situations and malfunction of the  hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Stress factors cause hypothalamic hyperactivation, which may eventually result in disease. Some researchers imply the major contribution of the environmental factors to the development of bipolar disorder. Evidence suggests that broken interpersonal relationships and hurtful early-life events may increase the risk of onsets and induce