Saturday, December 28, 2019

Martin Luther King J. And Malcolm X Essay - 1103 Words

Around the mid-20th century, African Americans in the United States began their fight for civil rights. Among them were brave individuals who led the quest for equality regardless of the consequences that followed. Two of the most famous civil rights activists were Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. They were both influential leaders of the civil rights movement who strove for a common goal, which was to create equality for African Americans. Although Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were both authoritative figures in the African-American civil rights movement, they differed significantly in their social backgrounds, religious beliefs, and ideologies, which affected their philosophies. The differences in Martin Luther King Jr. and†¦show more content†¦This resulted in Malcolm X facing racism daily as a child. At the age of six, The Ku Klux Klan tormented his family by burning down their house and murdering his father. His mother was left alone to raise eight children until she suffered from a nervous breakdown. She was sent to a psychiatric and the children were placed in white foster care. At school, Malcolm X faced racism from White teachers which eventually led to his dropout (Malcolm X). His early personal exposure to the brutality of racism shaped his philosophy and view point. The series of traumatizing events in his childhood made him feel lost and driven by hatred and revenge towards white people. Furthermore, the harsh conditions of his childhood made him accept separatist philosophy because he thought it was the only way for black survival. With the absence of family in his early life, Malcolm X was deeply driven by hate and revenge, which impacted his philosophy of acquiring civil rights by any means, even if it means violence and crossing the line. Furthermore, differences in their religious beliefs between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. influenced their contrasting philosophies. For his entire life, Christianity played a big role in Martin Luther King Jr.’s philosophy. One of the main reasons he became Christian was the impact of his father, Martin Luther King Sr., who was a preacher at the Ebenezer Baptist Church and had heavy involvement withShow MoreRelatedMartin Luther King J. And Malcolm X Essay1547 Words   |  7 PagesAmericans were fortunate to have outstanding leaders who fought for a difference and change during the Civil Rights movement. Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were two powerful individuals who gave hope to African Americans and oppressed people in the United States. They are both well known individuals for their Civil Rights protesting. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X both spread the message about African Americans having power and strength in the center of all the hatred and discriminationRead MoreTo What Extent Has the Importance of Martin Luther King Been Exaggerated2232 Words   |  9 Pagesfar has the importance of Martin Luther King been exaggerated? The significance of Martin Luther King’s role during the Civil Rights Movement in the USA has become a matter for debate. In this essay I will examine the importance of his role along with many other factors. Shortly after King graduated with a Doctorates in Theology at the University of Boston, he was instantly involved in the attempts to improve black peoples rights in predominantly the South of America. King was the harbinger of CivilRead MoreEssay on Black Arts Movement1626 Words   |  7 Pages(Smith). This movement created the most prevalent era in black art history by taking stereotypes and racism and turning it into artistic value. 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As I continued my research I realized that, throughout my entire life, I had been deprived of knowing about such a man as August Wilson. I realized he stands for what Martin Luther King, Jr. stands for. He writes in the ways of Imamu Amiri Baraka, Langston Hughes, and Ralph Ellison. Through what Wilson has accomplished

Friday, December 20, 2019

Protection Of Intellectual Property Rights - 1320 Words

The Intellectual Property Department was put in place in 1990 to ensure some sort of protection when it comes to intellectual property rights. â€Å"Protection of intellectual property rights protects creativity. The efforts of writers, artists, designers, software programmers, inventors, and other talents need to be protected in order to create an environment where creativity can flourish and hard work can be rewarded.† (IP in Hong Kong, China). Hong Kong is full of creativity and innovation so that their intellectual property rights are greatly protected. Even though they are for freedom of intellectual property rights, it only pertains to ideas and creations that are beneficial to social growth and prosperity. â€Å"To balance the interest of intellectual property rights owners and the society as a whole, while a pharmaceutical invention may be protected by patent registration, a special medical treatment of a disease is not protected.† So a person could use that inv ention to perform surgery or diagnosis because it is relevant to the health of society and appealing to the human needs. Investors can be guaranteed protection for intellectual property because it is something Hong Kong takes seriously and needs so that their economy can grow. Ultimately, Hong Kong and China’s goal is to have the highest protection of intellectual property in line with â€Å"international standards†, which can give some peace of mind to future investors knowing that if they were to bring an idea to HongShow MoreRelatedLegal Protection And Intellectual Property Rights1175 Words   |  5 PagesIntellectual property is defined in the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as the creation of the mind. According to WIPO the work does not have to be literary in order to be protected. Names, images, symbols, designs..etc. are all protected. Intellectual property rights are mentioned in article 27 of the universal human rights act that gives the inve ntors and creators to benefit from their work. Those rights are obtained through registering patents, trademarks, and copyrights. ThereRead MoreIntellectual Property Rights : An Analytical Study Essay998 Words   |  4 PagesINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS – AN ANALYTICAL STUDY IN THE INDIAN CONTEXT Abstract Intellectual property rights are the rights given to persons over the creations of their minds. These rights make the creator/ inventor as the owner of the product/work. IP protection is intended to stimulate the creativity of the human mind for the benefit of all by ensuring that the advantages derived from exploiting a creation benefit the creator. This will encourage creative activity and allow investors in researchRead MoreThe Beginnings Of Intellectual Property Rights1630 Words   |  7 Pages Beginnings of Intellectual Property Rights Intellectual property rights will remain a part of international trade agreements in the future, but the global activity will likely be characterized by varying standards and improved enforcement, reflecting evolution in social, cultural and political attitudes, and a deeper understanding of the relationships among innovation, creation and the more efficient distribution of intellectual property. Increased cooperation might occur at the governance levelRead MoreIntellectual Property And Computing Technology1207 Words   |  5 PagesIntellectual Property through the development of computing technology Intellectual Property refers to any original creative work manifested in a substantial form that can be protected. When an intellectual property right is mentioned, it refers to controlling the manner in which intellectual property is used, distributed or accessed. The intellectual property right is enforced by the World Intellectual Property Organization which is an organ of the United Nations. The organization holds that intellectualRead MoreThe Protection Of Copyright : An Indispensable Part Of The Domestic And International Protection Essay974 Words   |  4 Pagesthe three most important aspects of intellectual property, copyright is an indispensable part of the domestic and international protection. As one of the earliest countries to be aware of the importance of the protection of intellectual property, the United States paid great attention to the protection of copyright. All the treaties and legislation are aiming at reaching the balance between the creators’ inter ests and the competitors’ rights. 1.Domestic protection 1.1. It can first been seen in theRead MoreProtection of Intellectual Property Essay1030 Words   |  5 PagesProtection of Intellectual Property Introduction There is a lot of controversy about intellectual property and its application to software. There are many difficult, fundamental questions that arise, such as exactly what aspects of a piece of software should be protected under copyright or patent. [5] Despite the fact that applying existing laws to software is not very straight-forward, some sort of legal protection for intellectual property is necessary, as it provides a significant amount ofRead MoreThe Effects Of Digital Media On The World Of Copyrights1531 Words   |  7 Pagesfamiliarity to intellectual property or copyright laws. When dealing with sources found digitally the laws become even more blurred and confusing; Copyright laws, traditionally, were intended protect authors and artists and physical mediums. Lawmakers’ struggle with copyright law is how to apply laws intended for one purpose to today’s high tech environment fast-paced environment. Laws are continuously being proposed and paced to stop pirac y and infringement of intellectual properties (Yearneau, 2010;Read MoreShould The Fair Use Doctrine Must Be Won And Defended On Intellectual Property Essay945 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to Intellectual Property Quotes (n.d.), â€Å"While American intellectual property deserves protection, that protection must be won and defended in a manner that does not stifle innovation, erode due process under the law, and weaken the protection of political and civil rights on the Internet† (Intellectual Property Quotes, n.d.). In this paper I will discuss the facts and legal reasoning of this case, what the Fair Use Doctrine is, and will answer the following: why it is important to protectRead MoreIntellectual Properties And Intellectual Property894 Words   |  4 Pages​What is intellectual property? What do you think of when you hear intellectual property? Can an idea or invention that exist in your mind be considered property? Yes, it can. Intellectual property is an inven tion or an idea that gives a person the exclusive rights to a product or a process. There are many types of intellectual properties like inventions, discoveries, artwork, and writings. Intellectual property can be stolen; someone can misuse it without permission. Violation of intellectual propertyRead MoreIntellectual Properties And Intellectual Property894 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is intellectual property? What do you think of when you hear intellectual property? Can an idea or invention that exist in your mind be considered property? Yes, it can. Intellectual property is an invention or an idea that gives a person the exclusive rights to a product or a process. There are many types of intellectual properties like inventions, discoveries, artwork, and writings. Intellectual property can be stolen; someone can misuse it without permission. Violation of intellectual property

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Business Law and Purpose ReflectionSamples †

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Law and Purpose Reflection. Answer: The experience which has been selected for the purpose of this reflection are duties of directors which they owe towards our company. I got to know that directors not only have a duty imposed on them by the common law in form of fiduciary duties but also specific statutory duties have been provided by especially in enacted legislations. I got to know that the directors must always have to such a way so as to ensure that best interest of the company is established. Directors are in Supreme control over the affairs of the company. They have been provided the right to manage the company by its members and shareholders. As a company has many members all of them cannot engage in its management and therefore directors are needed to effectively manage a company. Directors evidently act as a fiduciary of the shareholders. They have the natural duty to protect the interest of the shareholders in the company. In addition as company is not a natural person and it cannot act on its own the directors have to ensure that they act in such a way as to not cause any loss or harm to the company for the purpose of making personal profits. There are many events witnessed by the corporate world where directors have used a position to make improper use of the Assets and resources of the company personal gain. They have also been instances where the directors have been negligent and reckless towards the duties imposed on them and as a result have got significant harm to company. The directors can be sued for such actions not only under statutory provisions but also under common law negligence. They might be disqualified to act as director for a specific period or permanently. They may also be held personally liable for the losses incurred by the company. Therefore I learned that the directors must always be very diligent and careful towards the duty is imposed on them by common law and specific legislations.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Debut Albums free essay sample

Dreams To people they can be Just an unreachable goal Or an unattainable desire. They can beacons of hope Or just simply Just a wish you hope that comes true one day. To some people they seem like silly thoughts And things we should not waste our time on. To others Its they are only silver of hope they have lost all hope. It can mean to others their goals or even how they want life to be. Or Just something that occurs when you fall asleep To me Dreams were the only thing that I had to hold onto when no one was there for me They were there to help me to keep going and Inspire me.They were the only thing I had left to hold on They gave me a reason to stay Because even though they were just dreams Those dreams showed me reasons to stay They showed me the goals that I had hope for. That one huge goal I had in my mind. My first though was that it was unattainable I dreamed of becoming a mother one day Of having a family But I my mind set was that I was never going to be good enough to be a mother That I needed to be much more than I was. But I kept that dream in mind and I saw mothers with their children at the park one day Playing, laughing and smilingAnd I thought what perfects mothers they were and I would never amount to that. My children would Just always end up hurt. Because of how careless and insensitive I was. I clearly would never be good as them. Then I saw one of the mothers children Injuring themselves. That was one of my major fears but It soon was taken away when The mother ran right to the child and the child stopped crying. Because the mother helped to heal her and laugh again. And I thought maybe not all mothers are perfect but what counts Is that they dont ever give up. Which Is my point.All of you who dont think you arent good enough or dont deserve to live. You are. Just take a second. Right now take a second out of your day. And breathe. You see that. That beautiful breath you just took. You are here for a reason and even if you dont know the reason yet. You need to also to remember you are here to follow your dreams too. And help others. Your parents had you because they wanted you to be born and be able to pursue your dreams like they did. And one of their dreams was to have a child. Which means you helped accomplish a dream at such a young age. I know most people look it at like that.But you, yourself Just being born and being alive is a dream come true for your parents. Now all you have to is try to accomplish your dreams And I know at times they seem so unreachable and unattainable. And you feel like you are not good enough. But trust me you are. And you deserve to have your dream to come true. Just dont give up. Trust me. No matter how things bad get. They get better. And if you feel like you have nothing to live for. Just think of the goal you want Or your dream Job Or and idol you want to meet. Whichever one of them might be to leave that horrid situation you are in.Whatever your dream may be It will come true with your hard work and that you keep fighting Because In the end,after winning the battle to be happy. One of the dreams will have come true for you by that time. Which is what you wanted all long. Happiness. No matter how you got it. All that matters was that dream came true Lastly the most important thing you need to do is do not give up on it. And dont give up on life. Because in the end when there are no one else to save you or to help you. Dreams will help you to survive and fight. And no I am not being hypocrite. I have gone through tough times. Even though they might not be like yours or If they are like yours. The one thing I can promise you and honestly say these dreams Are not only feel rewarding when you accomplish them But they can lead to other wonderful gifts. Through one of my dreams. Which was to finally to be able to feel true happiness. Through that one dream I kept fighting for. I met my three best friends. Of course I did not meet all of them at the same time. But that doesnt matter. My point is After a while we began to speak more to each other and I trusted them enough to tell hem about My dream.My dream of finally being able to happy again. And they were there to support me and fight out the battles I needed to in order to obtain this. There were a lot of tough obstacles but in the end I was able to obtain that dream I had for so long. The only hope I had left for to live. And in the end I formed a special bond with every single one of them. And these bonds are unbreakable. So I am living proof. That your dreams can come true. No matter how difficult they seem. They do come true and the pride and happiness and accomplished you feel afterwards is immeasurable.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thomas Jefferson Essay On Architecture Example For Students

Thomas Jefferson Essay On Architecture Book Review on Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson by Norman Risjord is a biography of the third president of the United States that takes Thomas Jefferson from his youth through his later years in the early 19th century. The purpose of this book is to give a political and social overview of the Thomas Jeffersons life and career. It was written for both the student of American history and the casual reader interested in the genesis of the United States government, seen through the eyes of one of its founding fathers. The value of this book is that it shows that Jefferson was not a saint, yet he was one of the most intelligent presidents that the country has ever had. Risjord has given the book great value because he has framed Jefferson among his peers. Consequently, the book truly comes to life, and the reader is able to learn about Jefferson as well as his contemporaries James Madison, John Marshall, and John Adams. We will write a custom essay on Thomas Jefferson On Architecture specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The scope of the book is all-inclusive. Risjord begins with Jeffersons birth on April 13, 1743 on his fathers plantation, Shadwell, in Goochland County on the western edge. The narrative continues on to show Jefferson graduating from William and Mary College, then entering politics in Virginians House of Burgesses in 1769. Jefferson married Martha Skelton on New Years Day, 1772. With the Virginia legislature from 1776 to 1779, Jefferson formed the groundwork for abolition of entail and primogeniture, for the establishment of religious freedom, and not for the public school system. Jefferson was of course the author of the Declaration of Independence, and because he had set this document in motion, he waited out the Revolutionary War to see if the colonies would win. If they had lost, Jefferson would have been hanged for treason against the King of England. He served as the minister to France from 1785 to 1789. At this time there was growing opposition to Alexander Hamilton and his policies, and Jefferson associated himself with a group called the Republicans, who were actually forerunners to the present Democratic Party. While Jefferson was serving as vice President from 1797 to 1801, he drafted the Kentucky Resolutions. He was elected President following a long deadlock with Aaron Burr in the House of Representatives. This happened mainly because Alexander Hamilton considered Burr the more dangerous man and he gave his support to Jefferson. Jeffersons election was a great victory for the democratic forces, but it was black Tuesday to the thousands of Federalists who believed that the Republican leader was an atheistic anarchist who feared that his administration would be that of a bloodyhanded revolutionist. Jefferson was the first President to be inaugurated in Washington, a city that he had helped to plan. He became famous for the republican simplicity that he established there. During his first administration he achieved the Louisiana Purchase and oversaw the Lewis and Clark Expedition. During his second administration, Jefferson tried to enforce such measures as the Embargo Act of 1807, even though this brought a great deal of opposition. Once he retired from public life, Jefferson moved back to his beloved Monticello. It was at this time that he founded the University of Virginia and continued his activities as a scientist, architect, and philosopher-statesman. In his later years, Jefferson wrote about his view of the future, when he saw that the people would be enlightened by free education. Under a forward thinking democratic-republican institution, the people could govern themselves better than under any other system. His friend James Madison evoked these words when Jefferson died on the Forth of July in 1826. He lives and will live in the memory and gratitude of the wise and of the good, as luminary of Science, as a votary of liberty, as a model of patriotism, and as a benefactor of human kind. .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb , .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb .postImageUrl , .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb , .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb:hover , .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb:visited , .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb:active { border:0!important; } .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb:active , .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u05325e9fddfaf60bc9828f117c8f86fb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Aztecs (1473 words) EssayThe style is controversial and the book offers insights into Jeffersons psychology as well as historical data. Risjord does well by his chapter headings, as they divide Jeffersons life into Vice President and President etc. And so they provide easy access. The Book Reports

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Oxford Referencing †Citing a Book

Oxford Referencing – Citing a Book Oxford Referencing – Citing a Book You need two things when citing a book in the Oxford referencing system: a footnote citation and an entry in a bibliography. The exact format for this can vary, so make sure to check your style guide if you have one. But if all you need is a clear, simple way of referencing sources in your written work, then you can follow our guidelines below next time you cite a book. Citing a Book in Footnotes To cite a book, you’ll first need to add a superscript number in the main text: Citations usually go after end punctuation, like this.1 These superscript numbers point to footnotes at the bottom of a page. This is where you provide source information. And the first time you cite a book, you will need to use the following format: n. Author Initial(s). Surname, Book Title, publisher, place of publication, year, page number(s). The page numbers here refer to the specific section cited. Using this format, then, you should end up with a footnote that looks something like this: 1. H. Kane, Discovering Rome, Penguin Roundhouse, London, 2002, p. 10. When referencing a book with two or three authors, meanwhile, use â€Å"† to separate the last two: 2. J. Jones, L. Larkin W. Ellis, How to Beat the System, Harper Collins, New York, 2004, p. 16. And if a book has four or more authors, use â€Å"et al.†   Ã¢â‚¬â€œ meaning â€Å"and others† – after the first named author rather than writing each author name out in full: 3. I. King et al., The Human Mind, Continuum, London, 2010, p. 3. After citing a book for the first time, you can use a shorter footnote format for repeat citations. We will look at how this works below. Repeat Citations: Latin Abbreviations Most versions of Oxford referencing use a set of Latin abbreviations for repeat citations. Typically, this includes the following: Ibid. (meaning â€Å"in the same place†). You can use this when citing a source more than once in a row. If you’re citing a different page number, remember to include this in the citation. Loc. cit. (short for loco citato, or â€Å"in the place cited†). You can use this alongside the author’s surname for non-consecutive citations of the same page of a source. If you have cited more than one work by that author, you may also need to include a shortened title. Op. cit. (short for opere citato, meaning â€Å"in the work cited†). Similar to â€Å"loc. cit.† but used when citing a different page of a previously cited work. We can see how this works in practice with the repeat citations below: 4. P. Walker, London Fields: A Guide for the Uninitiated, Penguin Roundhouse, London, 2002, p. 10. 5. Ibid., p. 13. 6. T. Williams, Going the Distance, Harper Collins, New York, 2010, p. 34. 7. Walker, op. cit., p. 16. Here, the Walker source is cited in footnotes 4, 5 and 7. We use â€Å"ibid.† for footnote five as it comes immediately after the initial citation, but we give a new page number because we’re citing a different part of the book. And in footnote 7 we use â€Å"op. cit.† because we’re citing a different part of the Walker book after citing a different source, making it a non-consecutive citation. Other Shortened Citations If your version of Oxford referencing does not use the Latin abbreviations above, you will still need to shorten repeat citations. Usually, this means citing just the author’s surname and a page number. If you are citing more than one source by the same author, however, you should also provide a shortened version of the book’s title in repeat citations. For instance: 4. P. Walker, London Fields: A Guide for the Uninitiated, Penguin Roundhouse, London, 2002, p. 10. 5. T. Williams, Going the Distance, Harper Collins, New York, 2010, p. 34. 6. P. Walker, Urban Rambling, Penguin Roundhouse, London, 2010, p. 211. 7. Walker, London Fields, p. 10. 8. Williams, p. 35. Here, we have two sources by Walker and one by Williams. As such, when we cite London Fields a second time, we include the shortened title to show which source we’re referencing. But when we cite Williams for a second time in footnote 8, we only give his surname and a page number. The Reference List Finally, with Oxford referencing, every source you cite in the main text should also appear in a reference list. The format for a book here is similar to the first footnote except for two things: You should give the author’s surname before the initial. This is so you can list the sources in your document alphabetically by author surname. You do not need to give page numbers for a book in the reference list. As such, the basic format for a book in an Oxford reference list is: Surname, Initial(s), Book Title, publisher, place of publication, year. And in practice, this would look something like this: Kane, H., Discovering Rome, Penguin Roundhouse, London, 2002.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Diversity and Equality in Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Diversity and Equality in Organizations - Essay Example It depends upon management that how they convert those conflicts into cohesiveness and benefit the organization. Diversity is directly pertinent to creativity however; poor management of this does not only takes out creativity of the organization but also brings inequality. When an organization possesses diversity, it is very important for the management to organize it with equality if it wants to acquire its full benefits. When people belong to same background, have same age, possess similar qualifications and skills they have lesser conflicts and more cohesiveness (Agarin & Brosig, 2009, pp. 160-350). Nevertheless, this cohesiveness fails to bring creativity. This happens because they indirectly belong to the same group but when people have diverse background, different ages, and different levels of qualification, it becomes very difficult for them to accept each other. It is a very common phenomenon because even siblings in a house, who belong to same parents, take a lot of time t o accept each other then how can one expect from people who belong to diverse backgrounds to accept each other without conflicts. Due to these conflicts, many organizations refuse to implement diversity in their workplace, which does not create room for innovation in their organization. One thing that needs clarification is the difference between diversity and discrimination. Many organizations unintentionally promote discrimination instead of diversity. Discrimination is present in many forms, which are age, gender, race, disability, marriage, pregnancy etc. This report discusses each of these forms in detail. One form of discrimination that is very common in underdeveloped countries of the world is unfair attitude towards women. Many woman are discriminated if they are pregnant, employers directly discriminate women by asking them to leave their jobs if they want to have maternity leaves. However, organizations also discriminate indirectly so that they do not come under any legal prosecution for implementing inequality. Some times while communicating requirements of a job, organizations state that whoever applies for this job should be able to work for longer hours away from home (Bach, 2005, pp. 56-240). It is obvious that married women are unable to give longer hours away from home as they have to take care of their children and family. Even, unmarried women sometimes cannot give longer hours due to some restrictions. One cannot deny that for some jobs like salespersons’ job, it is very necessary to communicate these requirements. However, if an employer states these requirements just not to attract the women, it is unfair. Apart from these issues, discrimination also lies based on unequal distribution of pay to men and women. Salary does not only include the amount of money given to employees at the end of each month but also fringe benefits like provision of vehicle, utility services, domestic assistance services, medical allowances, entertainment allowances, travel allowances, holidays and the like. Even if men and women get the same amount of money but they get unequal fringe benefits they are discriminated. However, sometimes giving equal benefits is also unfair because men and women possess different set of needs therefore companies should try to first analyze those needs and give benefits accordingly (Bell, 2011, pp. 200-500). Organizations offer various pay